Adult Services

Adult Services


Certain medical conditions can have a devastating impact on the ability to understand language, speak, swallow, eat, and drink. At Concierge Speech Services of Atlanta, we provide speech-language therapy, feeding therapy, and swallowing therapy for people of all ages. Our services are provided by speech-language pathologists who specialize in treating adult patients who have had strokes or brain injuries as well as challenges related to learning disabilities, eating disorders, autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease.


Understanding Adult Speech Therapy 

Adult speech therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on helping adults who are struggling to communicate. There are many reasons why an adult might need speech therapy, such as difficulty speaking due to a condition like a stroke or neurologic disorder, or having trouble understanding others because of hearing loss. A speech-language pathologist, or SLP, will work with you to identify your needs and develop a treatment plan based on those needs. In the adult population, speech therapy may be recommended if you are having difficulty forming sentences or communicating. Speech therapy can help you to overcome these obstacles by teaching you how to use your language more effectively. This includes learning new techniques for articulation, as well as improving your fluency and comprehension.

Types of Adult Speech and Language Therapy Treatment

The goal of adult speech therapy is to help people develop or improve their communication skills, such as speaking clearly, understanding what others are saying, expressing themselves in writing, and understanding how others use language. Therapists often provide treatments that can be helpful for a range of conditions, including: 

Aphasia: Aphasia is a type of speech disorder where a person has trouble expressing or comprehending language. People with aphasia may have trouble getting their ideas across in conversation, and they may have difficulty finding the right words. They might repeat themselves or use words that don't make sense. Aphasia treatment plans vary widely between individuals. Some people will require more intensive treatments than others depending on how long they have had aphasia, what caused it, and what symptoms they are experiencing. The goal of most treatment plans is to provide the patient with the skills needed to communicate effectively within their environment and live life with independence.

Dysarthria: Dysarthria is a speech disorder that results from damage to the muscles used for speech, including the tongue and lips. People with dysarthria often have difficulty controlling their tone of voice and may sound hoarse. They may also have trouble producing certain sounds or words. Speech therapy can help patients with dysarthria by improving their ability to speak clearly, strengthening their muscles, and improving their breathing patterns. 

Stroke Rehabilitation: Speech and language therapy is one of the most important aspects of stroke rehabilitation. If a patient has lost the ability to speak, or can only speak in limited ways, they will need to relearn how to make sounds, form words, and breathe properly. They may also need help swallowing and chewing. A speech therapist will work with the patient on their speech patterns, vocalizations, and ability to swallow by using a variety of strategies and exercises.

Who Can Benefit Most from Adult Speech Services? 

Speech therapy can help adults who suffer from aphasia, apraxia, dysarthria, dysphonia, or other speech-related disorders. In addition, speech therapy can help those who have experienced a stroke or suffered brain trauma as well as those who have developed a language disorder. Speech therapists help patients improve their language skills by teaching them valuable techniques for communicating effectively. They can also help you to identify any underlying causes of your speech problems so that they can be addressed holistically.

Do You Need Adult Speech Therapy Services in Atlanta, GA? 

At Concierge Speech Services of Atlanta, we are committed to helping you overcome your speech and swallowing issues and achieve the best results possible. We want you to feel confident in your ability to communicate with others and reach your goals. We offer a range of services that can address any issue you may have, from stuttering to difficulty eating, and we have worked with clients from all walks of life. Contact our office if you have any questions or are ready to schedule an appointment.